Data Protection

We protect your data with encryption

We are using web application firewall

We are only storing password hashes and using multi-factor authentication

We are compliant with strict Europian privacy regulations

We are committed to follow international standards such as ISO 27001/27018 and industry best-practices


Our platform is designed for high availability

We have protection against brute-force attacks and redundancy on every level

Continous Retesting

We are using SAST and DAST tools to analyze our code and detect potentially vulnerable code

We have an ongoing process to testing procedure with professional pentesters

{Get in touch}

In our team there are experienced security professionals and we continuously improve our platform.
That's how we will keep your data protected and accessible at all times. If you have more question about our security, please contact us.

Contact us

Our platform helps companies to identify software vulnerabilities in a cost-efficient way. It provides a secure and centralized view of ethical hacking projects for your company.

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Hackrate Ethical Hacking Platform |
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Széchenyi2020 infoblokk